I'm a bad father

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

When I'm babysitting Simon but still need to get work done I just put on one of his favorite Baby Einstein DVDs on in my office. He will just sit there and watch for about forever. Don't anyone tell Ami!

Another Fond Snow Memory

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I always enjoyed building snow caves in the snow when I was younger. On Monday amidst all the snow shoveling I decided why not? So I did. The last picture shows both Holly the dog and I inside the cave. Since these pictures were taken the neighborhood kids have taken over my cave. There have also been two other snow caves built on the street. Sounds like I started something.

Jacob S Paulsen

Merry Christmas Ami

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ami we have known each other for 10 years now. For Christmas I have produced this little slideshow video for you my love. Enjoy:

The First Snow Shoveling of the Winter

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I have always taken great joy in shoveling snow. As children the Paulsen boys ran a snow shoveling business in our neighborhood. I'm not sure how it all started but the fact that we lived in an area full of old widows didn't hurt business.

I remember Jeff and Eric waking up early on snow days to go out and take care of the shoveling. I was young and jealous. Eventually Tim was also allowed along and by the time I got to go out Eric and Jeff were long gone. Tim and I would shovel between 8 and 10 walks and driveways for at least half of those homes.

These were great growing moments in my childhood. Not a lot of words were spoken but we would bundle up and shovel snow from 4am until it was done which did make me late for school on more than one occasion. Eventually Tim also grew out of the job and then I was alone. Granted this meant for double the money for me but also double the work. I never regretted it and as far as I can remember I never complained about it either. I took valuable lessons from the hard work, early mornings, and the service (even if paid) we did for very old people.

Eventually it seems as I began to get older and ready to graduate from High School the old ladies started to die off. As my ability to do the work dimished, so did my number of customers. I'm grateful to those wonderful people who paid us Paulsen boys money to learn priceless lessons on those early, cole, wyoming mornings. A shout out to the red house on the corner, Grandma McCrann in the pink house, Mr Copiak (spelling) next door, Mike & Joe, they yellow house, Grandma Constantino, and the lady with the astro turf steps that made us use the broom.

Now as an adult I look forward to getting out and shoveling my walks. Today was the first time of the season!

Jacob Paulsen

PS Eric do you have anything to add?