My review
rating: 5 of 5 stars
This review is not my own personal "Last Lecture." The temptation is great after reading this book to sit down and create your very own last lecture. All of us have a great desire to pass on our own golden nuggets of wisdom to others. I will use my personal journal for that purpose and leave all of you with a simple book review.
I really enjoyed this book. Not just because Randy had some great things to share with the world but also because this proves that everyone has great things to share. Its not just the muilt-billionaires and mother Teresa that can contribute good advice to us. I'm not trying to insult Randy but simply say that the most extrodinary thing about this book is how ordinary the guy is.
He did some extremely extraordinary things, but hey most of us do! This book was easy to read (listen in my case). It made me want to finish the story and did make me reflect on my own dreams and childhood.
I don't know if I will ever read it again, but I can say I really enjoyed it.
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