Baby Einstein

Thursday, May 22, 2008

We are very grateful to Racheal & Chris Pivik who hooked us up with a bunch of Baby Einstein DVDs. Simon has a longer attention span for Baby Einstein than for any thing else we have tried. I think it should be classified along with fishing shows, camp fires, really fat people and other thing that you can't help but stare at. 'm serious, even I find myself watching Baby Einstein when Simon isn't in the room. I don't always have much option since we now keep it on repeat play all day long.
On a side note I just finished listening to the complete audiobook "The Count of Monte Cristo." Sweet book. I love the movie but the book was even better. On another side note who stole my movie "The Count of Monte Cristo?" I have an empty DVD case. On another side not my Spiderman 1 DVD case is also empty... ok enough side notes.



Shannon said...

I love Baby Einsteins! Just be aware that if they are on too much, too often the baby stops being interested in them. This I learned by sad experience. :(

May 23, 2008 at 8:16 AM

Simon still only watches about 10 minutes per day but its because he can't stay focused on anything for longer than 60 seconds.

May 23, 2008 at 9:29 AM
Katy said...

Baby Einstein... like a drug in this home!! We LOVED it, saved me from a life void of showers, phone calls, and anything else I could fit into 15-30 minutes!!!! I agree with Shannon, we burned Ava out on them (sooo sad) but now she's all about Dora and Diego.
ps. I did not steal your dvds.
pss. the book IS awesome (totally different from the movie) but i am a fan of the movie more (i think it's cuz i watched it many times before I got my hands on the book)

May 23, 2008 at 12:16 PM

They are cool tools for getting a break or introducing fun subjects to "study" with children. Anything can be used too much, of course; but I've seen you balance with playing, singing, exploring etc. as well.
I love all Dumas' books. I am a swashbuckler romantic at heart. Hence the castles, swords and dress-ups at Grandma's house. I don't admit to playing with them by myself, but you can guess...

May 24, 2008 at 1:30 PM
Tiffany said...

Just thought I would let you know that I have your DVD's. Yes I know that I have not seen you for years but alas I have them. I thought about them and POOF, they appeared. Your little boy is the cutest.

Tiffany (Blacker)Gibbons

May 24, 2008 at 4:34 PM
Rachael said...

I'm glad Simon likes them. They were an absolute lifesaver with Emily. Now she's graduated to Little Einsteins. I hope by the time she's older they'll make Tween Einsteins and then Teen Einsteins and then Young Adult, Middle-Aged and Einsteins for the Elderly. Otherwise when they cut out, we're going to have a crisis.

June 3, 2008 at 8:36 PM